
To search through all the lexical data in, you can issue a request to the search endpoint:


Set the following headers:

Header Value
Authorization Bearer <your access token>

Specify the following request body:

    "query": "<your query here>",
    "definition": false,
    "from": 0,
    "size": 25

The fields are defined as follows:

Field Explanation Required
query (String) The word or phrase to search for, can also match partially (minimum length = 1) yes
definition (Boolean) false to search in head words (Manchu), true to search through definitions (all languages) yes
from (Integer) Start the page from this result no (default = 0)
size (Integer) Number of items to return on this page no (default = 25)

An example in cURL is shown below (put in your access_token):

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "query": "abk",
    "definition": false,
    "from": 0,
    "size": 25

The response will be as follows:

    "from": 0,
    "size": 25,
    "total": 121,
    "results": [
            "lemma": "abka",
            "entries": [
                    "id": 121,
                    "definitions": [
                            "language": "english",
                            "definition": "1. sky, heaven 2. weather 3. Emperor 4. god, deity 5. (as an exclamation) O Heavens!",
                            "raw": "1. sky, heaven 2. weather 3. Emperor 4. god, deity 5. (as an exclamation) O Heavens!"
                            "language": "chinese",
                            "definition": "天",
                            "raw": "天"
                    "dictionary": "CMED"
                    "id": 54537,
                    "definitions": [
                            "language": "chinese",
                            "definition": "1. (名)天, 天空:abka gereke 天亮了.jabxan de beye sonjobufi tukiyebuhede, abka be alire mederi be akvnara gungge faxxan ilibumbi.《38・庸》侥幸中选, 可立擎天驾海的功业. 2. (名)位置在顶部的:abkai dengjan天灯. 3. (名)天气, 气候:abka eherehe天气变了, 变天儿了.tere fonde uyun biya wajifi, abka gaitai beikuwen oho.《12・三》时过九月尽闾, 天气暴冷. 4. (名)大自然:abkai erin天时. 5. (名)天生的, 天然的:abkai unenggi 天真. 6. (名)所谓自然界的主宰:abka de xanggiyan morin wafi ashvha.《1・实》宰白马祭天. 7. (名)所谓神灵住的地方:abkai gege天仙, 仙女. 8. (名)能主宰一切的:abkai jui 天子. 9. (叹)表示惊奇;天啊, 怪事: abka, aimaka iningge be edelefi toodarakv gese.《38・庸》怪事!好像欠他什么没还似的.",
                            "raw": "1. (名)天, 天空:abka gereke 天亮了.jabxan de beye sonjobufi tukiyebuhede, abka be alire mederi be akvnara gungge faxxan ilibumbi.《38・庸》侥幸中选, 可立擎天驾海的功业. 2. (名)位置在顶部的:abkai dengjan天灯. 3. (名)天气, 气候:abka eherehe天气变了, 变天儿了.tere fonde uyun biya wajifi, abka gaitai beikuwen oho.《12・三》时过九月尽闾, 天气暴冷. 4. (名)大自然:abkai erin天时. 5. (名)天生的, 天然的:abkai unenggi 天真. 6. (名)所谓自然界的主宰:abka de xanggiyan morin wafi ashvha.《1・实》宰白马祭天. 7. (名)所谓神灵住的地方:abkai gege天仙, 仙女. 8. (名)能主宰一切的:abkai jui 天子. 9. (叹)表示惊奇;天啊, 怪事: abka, aimaka iningge be edelefi toodarakv gese.《38・庸》怪事!好像欠他什么没还似的."
                    "dictionary": "XMH"
                    "id": 93149,
                    "definitions": [
                            "language": "french",
                            "definition": "Le ciel. (Tien en chinois)",
                            "raw": "Le ciel. (Tien en chinois)"
                            "language": "manchu",
                            "definition": "apka",
                            "raw": "apka"
                    "dictionary": "DTFM"
                    "id": 37370,
                    "definitions": [
                            "language": "manchu",
                            "definition": "umesi den tumen jaka be elbehengge be abka sembi",
                            "raw": "umesi den tumen jaka be elbehengge be abka sembi"
                            "language": "chinese",
                            "definition": "天",
                            "raw": "天"
                    "dictionary": "QLBB"
        ... (more results omitted)

As you can see, shorter lemmata that match the query better are returned first. Currently, there's no way to change the sorting order.

For every lemma, the fully matched entry is returned in the lemma property, with a list of the definition for this entry in one or more dictionaries. The dictionaries are identified by an abbreviation, of which you can see the full description on the page Sources. Every definition has a language, the definition without any markup in the definition property and a raw field that might potentially include HTML. Lemmata are hierarchical, so a lemma might contain a parent field to indicate the head word that this lemma belongs to. In Manchu this is currently used for indicating grammatical relationships (stem is the parent, inflections are the children).

Please note that the from parameter can only be used up to 99, on which the 100th result will be returned. Even if the total number of found entries is larger than 100, you will only be able to fetch it up to the 100th result. This was done because of performance optimisations. Any query that returns more than 100 results thus needs further refinement should you want to see the results with a lesser score.

If you search through the definitions (by setting definition to true), a result might optionally contain a highlight property that shows the highlighted definition of the first language in the dictionary. The matched phrase will be enclosed in <em></em> tags.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""