
Buleku would not have been here today without our growing support of institutes and volunteers that we are proud to introduce to you here below:

Funding partners

For making available the funding, necessary to start the building of our IT-framework, we wholeheartedly would like to thank:
Leiden University: we were grateful for the project funding of "Mantjoe21" by the Faculty of Humanities.
Georgetown University Qatar: we thank Max OIDTMANN for funding the database of 8 crucial administrative vocabularies.
Manchu Foundation: for helping us on our way with funding the first content work on the database.

Data partners

Tohoku University
We are grateful for Prof. Hitoshi KURIBAYASHI's willingness to make available the rich data collection of Kdic, the Mongolic-Manchu platform that was founded, built, and sustained by him. In this context we would also express our gratitude to Prof. Hiroki OKA, and the Center for Northeast Asian Studies at Tohoku University for supporting the collaboration between Kdic and Buleku. Dr. Masato Hasegawa has been so kind to introduce both platforms to each other, and for that, and many other things, we owe him a big thank you.

Family and gatekeepers of Jerry Norman's lexicon
We are very honored to have Jerry Norman's Comprehensive Manchu-English Dictionary in our database. It is the dictionary that has been around so long, and that never stopped growing, with the last revised version having materialized after Professor's Norman's passing. We hope Buleku will do his work justice. We thank Professor Norman's family, Professor Keith DEDE, David PRAGER BRANNER, and Brian TAWNEY for their trust in us.

Helsinki University
We are grateful that Jaakko HELKE and Eero TALVITIE of Helsinki University entrusted with us their OCR version of Zaharov's Manchu-Russian dictionary. They will assist us in getting the work into our database in a way that does the work justice.

Index partners

Our work would go much slower, and would not be so much fun, without our index heroes.

WANGGIYAN Sure (Hebei Normal University for Nationalities) working on bureaucratic glossaries.
Juul EIJK (Leiden University) working on Amiot's 1789-1790 Dictionnaire Tartare-Mantchou François.
Henriëtte HOFMAN (Leiden University) working on Amiot as well.

Austin HUDGINS (Rutgers University) working on Norman's Sibe-English Vocabulary
Joseph WILLIAMS (Gakushuin University) working the _Sibe-English Vocabulary _as well

Sizova ALLA (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) Will be working on Zaharov's 1875 Захаров И. Полный маньчжурско-русскiй словарь. Санктпетербургъ. As will Arina MIKHALEVSKAYA (Yale University) and Anastasia USOVA.

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